Friday, January 31, 2025

Lesson 400 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Italics/Underlining

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Italicize titles of long musical works and motion pictures; of ships, aircraft, and trains.
Material that is italicized in print or by computer is underlined in typewritten or hand written work.

Instructions: Italicize those words which need italics in these sentences.

1. How many times have you seen Gone with the Wind?

2. Gilbert and Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance is scheduled for next year.

3. The Heber Creeper is an old style train that stills runs.

4. Trax is a commuter rail that runs in Salt Lake City.

5. His plane is called the Silly Goose.

--For answers scroll down.


1. How many times have you seen Gone with the Wind?

2. Gilbert and Sullivan's The Pirates of Penzance is scheduled for next year.

3. The Heber Creeper is an old style train that stills runs.

4. Trax is a commuter rail that runs in Salt Lake City.

5. His plane is called the Silly Goose.

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