Saturday, February 3, 2024

Quiz for Lessons 281 - 285 - Parts of the Sentence - Clauses Review

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Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbs (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), objective complements (oc), conjunctions (c), relative pronouns (p), and verbals in the following sentences.
If the word is a verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive.  If there are any adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, verbals, or verbal phrases then tell what word they modify.

If the sentence has a dependent clause, tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. If it is an adjective or adverb clause, tell which word it modifies, and if it is a noun clause tell how they are used.

1. We offered whoever caused the accident a chance to confess.

2. The man whose leg was amputated was glad to be alive.

3. The judge is the person to whom you should talk.

4. When the mayor explained his plan, the citizens were pleased.

5. It is unfortunate that you do not agree.

6. The news that thousands had been killed was correct.

7. This house is where your grandmother lived.

8. Why you don't like him is hard to understand.

9. If you are unable to find it, call me at home.

10. The manager said that everyone would get a raise.

--For answers scroll down.


1. offered - v; we - subj; chance - do; a - adj modifying chance; to confess - vbl (adj infinitive) used as object complement; whoever caused the accident - noun clause used as an indirect object; caused - v; whoever - subj (introductory word); accident - do; the - adj modifying accident

2. was - v; man - subj; the - adj modifying man; glad - pa modifying man; to be alive - adverb infinitive phrase modifying glad; to be - vbl (adverb infinitive); alive - pa modifying to be; whose leg was amputated - adjective clause modifying man; was amputated - v; leg - subj; whose - adj modifying leg

3. is - v; judge - subj; person - pn; the - adj modifying judge; the - adj modifying person; to whom you should talk - adj p ph modifying person; to - prep; whom you should talk - noun clause used as the object of the preposition, should talk - v; you - subj; whom - do (introductory word)

4. were pleased - v; citizens - subj; the - adj modifying citizens; when the mayor explained his plan - adverb clause modifying were pleased; explained - v; mayor - subj; plan - do; the - adj modifying
mayor; his - adj modifying plan; when - c (introductory word)

5. is - v; it - subj; unfortunate - pa modifying it; that you do not agree - adverb clause modifying unfortunate; do agree - v; you - subj; not - adv modifying do agree; that - c (introductory word)

6. was - v; news - subj; correct - pa modifying news; the - adj modifying news; that thousands had been killed - noun clause used as an appositive; had been killed - v; thousands - subj; that - p (introductory word, does not fit grammatically)

7. is - v; house - subj; this - adj modifying house; where your grandmother lived - noun clause used as a predicate nominative; lived - v; grandmother - subj; your - adj modifying grandmother; where - adv (introductory word)

8. is - v; why you don't like him - noun clause used as the subject; do like - v; you - subj; him - do; n't - adv modifying do like; why - adv (introductory word) modifying do like; hard - pa modifying the noun clause; to understand - vbl (adverb infinitive) modifying hard

9. call - v; (understood you) - subj; me - do; at home - adverb p ph modifying call; at - prep; home - op; if you are unable to find it - adverb clause modifying call; are - v; you - subj; unable - pa modifying you; to find it - adverb infinitive phrase; to find - vbl (adverb infinitive) modifying unable; it - do; if - c (introductory word)

10. said - v; manager - subj; the - adj modifying manager; that everyone would get a raise - noun clause used as the direct object; would get - v; everyone - subj; raise - do; a - adj modifying raise; that - p (introductory word, does not fit grammatically)

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Friday, February 2, 2024

Lesson 285 - Parts of the Sentence - Clauses Review

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbs (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), objective complements (oc), conjunctions (c), relative pronouns (p), and verbals in the following sentences.
If the word is a verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive.  If there are any adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, verbals, or verbal phrases then tell what word they modify.

If the sentence has a dependent clause, tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. If it is an adjective or adverb clause, tell which word it modifies, and if it is a noun clause tell how they are used.

1. Now I understand why you didn't tell me.

2. Whenever you do well, you will be rewarded.

3. The instrument that he plays is not the French horn.

4. Sam explained how you could save money daily.

5. The man whom I met at the store knew my father.

--For answers scroll down.


1. understand - v; I - subj; now - adv modifying understand; why you didn't tell me - noun clause used as the direct object; did tell - v; you - subj; me - do; n't - adv modifying did tell; why - adv (introductory word) modifying did tell

2. will be rewarded - v; you - subj; whenever you do well - adverb clause modifying will be rewarded; do - v; you - subj; well - adv modifying do; whenever - c (introductory word)

3. is - v; instrument - subj; the - adj modifying instrument; horn - pn; the/French - adj modifying horn; that he plays - adjective clause modifying instrument; plays - v; he - subj; that - do (introductory word)

4. explained - v; Sam - subj; how you could save money daily - noun clause used as the direct object, could save - v; you - subj; money - do; how/daily - adv modifying could save

5. knew - v; man - subj; father - do; my - adj modifying father; the - adj modifying man; whom I met at the store - adjective clause modifying man; met - v; I - subj; whom - do (introductory word); at the store - adv p ph modifying met; at - prep; store - op; the - adj modifying store

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Lesson 284 - Parts of the Sentence - Clauses Review

View lesson on Daily Grammar
Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbs (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), objective complements (oc), conjunctions (c), relative pronouns (p), and verbals in the following sentences.
If the word is a verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive.  If there are any adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, verbals, or verbal phrases then tell what word they modify.

If the sentence has a dependent clause, tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. If it is an adjective or adverb clause, tell which word it modifies, and if it is a noun clause tell how they are used.

1. Joe thinks he can win at the slots.

2. That one should always do his best is certain to bring success.

3. The fact was that I was not in town.

4. The girl ran more quickly to her mother than her brother.

5. Although a skilled person will be better prepared, he may not find work.

--For answers scroll down.


1. thinks - v; Joe - subj; [that understood] he can win at the slots - noun clause used as the direct object; can win - v; he - subj; at the slots - adv p ph modifying can win; at - prep; slots - op; the - adj modifying slots

2. is - v; that one should always do his best - noun clause used as the subject; should do - v; one - subj; best - do; his - adj modifying best; always - adv modifying should do; that - p (introductory word); certain - pa modifying (that one should always do his best) the subject; to bring success - adv infinitive phrase modifying certain; to bring - vbl (adverb infinitive); success - do to to bring

3. was - v; fact - subj; the - adj modifying fact; that I was not in town - noun clause used as the predicate nominative; was - v; I - subj; not - adv modifying was; in town - adv p ph modifying was; in - prep; town - op; that - p (introductory word, does not fit grammatically)

4. ran - v; girl - subj; the - adj modifying girl; quickly - adv modifying ran; more - adv modifying quickly; to her mother - adv p ph modifying ran; to - prep; mother - op; her - adj modifying mother; than her brother [ran quickly to his mother ommitted] - adverb elliptical clause modifying more; ran - understood verb; brother - subj; her - adj modifying brother; than - c (introductory word)

5. may find - v; he - subj; work - do; not - adv modifying may find; although a skilled person will be better prepared - adverb clause modifying may find; will be - v; person - subj; a - adj modifying
person; skilled - vbl (participle) modifying person; prepared - vbl (participle) modifying person used as the predicate adjective; better - adv modifying prepared; although - c (introductory word)

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Lesson 283 - Parts of the Sentence - Clauses Review

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbs (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), objective complements (oc), conjunctions (c), relative pronouns (p), and verbals in the following sentences.
If the word is a verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive.  If there are any adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, verbals, or verbal phrases then tell what word they modify.

If the sentence has a dependent clause, tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. If it is an adjective or adverb clause, tell which word it modifies, and if it is a noun clause tell how they are used.

1. The woman had several broken bones because her bones were weak.

2. What the man wanted was a free ride through life.

3. I hope that I can learn to use the computer.

4. Do not eat the fruit that has fallen on the ground.

5. We waited until the doctor reported the operation a success.

--For answers scroll down.


1. had - v; woman - subj; bones - do; the - adj modifying woman; several - adj modifying bones; broken - vbl (participle) modifying bones; because her bones were weak - adverb clause modifying the verb had; were - v; bones - subj; weak - pa modifying bones; her - adj modifying bones; because - c (introductory word)

2. was - v; what the man wanted - noun clause used as the subject; wanted - v; man - subj; what - do (introductory word); the - adj modifying man; ride - pn, a/free - adj modifying ride; through life - adj p ph modifying ride; through - prep; life - op

3. hope - v; I - subj; that I can learn to use the computer - noun clause used as the direct object; can learn - v; I - subj; to use the computer - infinitive phrase used as the direct object; to use - vbl (infinitive); computer - do; the - adj modifying computer; that - p (introductory word, does not fit grammatically)

4. do eat - v; (you understood) - subj; fruit - do; the - adj modifying fruit; not - adv modifying do eat; that has fallen on the ground - adjective clause modifying fruit; has fallen - v; that - subj (introductory word) equaling fruit; on the ground - adv p ph modifying has fallen; on - prep; ground - op; the - adj modifying ground

5. waited - v; we - subj; until the doctor reported the operation a success - adverb clause modifying waited; reported - v; doctor - subj; operation - do; the - adj modifying doctor; the - adj modifying operation; success - oc; a - adj modifying success; until - c (introductory word)

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Lesson 282 - Parts of the Sentence - Clauses Review

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbs (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), objective complements (oc), conjunctions (c), relative pronouns (p), and verbals in the following sentences.
If the word is a verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive.  If there are any adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, verbals, or verbal phrases then tell what word they modify.

If the sentence has a dependent clause, tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. If it is an adjective or adverb clause, tell which word it modifies, and if it is a noun clause tell how they are used.

1. This is the driest year that we have had recently.

2. Jim wondered why we hadn't called him.

3. It is evident that you didn't listen.

4. I gave whoever asked the directions to the camp.

5. Texas is where the flooding occurred.

--For answers scroll down.


1. is - v; this - subj; year - pn; the/driest - adj modifying year; that we have had recently - adjective clause modifying year; have had - v; we - subj; that - do to we; recently - adv modifying have had

2. wondered - v; Jim = subj; why we hadn't called him - noun clause used as the direct object; had called - v; we - subj; him - do; n't - adv modifying had called; why - adv (introductory word) modifying had called

3. is - v; it - subj; evident - pa modifying it; that you didn't listen - adverb clause modifying the predicate adjective evident; did listen - v; you - subj; n't - adv modifying did listen; that - c
(introductory word)

4. gave - v; I - subj; directions - do; the - adj modifying directions; - whoever asked - noun clause used as the indirect object modifying gave; asked - v; whoever - subject (introductory word); to the camp - adj p ph modifying directions; to - prep; camp - op; the - adj modifying camp

5. is - v; Texas - subj; where the flooding occurred - noun clause used as the predicate nominative; occurred - v; flooding - vbl (gerund) used as the subject; the - adj modifying flooding; where - adv (introductory word) modifying occurred

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Monday, January 29, 2024

Lesson 281 - Parts of the Sentence - Clauses Review

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbs (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), objective complements (oc), conjunctions (c), relative pronouns (p), and verbals in the following sentences.
If the word is a verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle, noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive.  If there are any adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, verbals, or verbal phrases then tell what word they modify.

If the sentence has a dependent clause, tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. If it is an adjective or adverb clause, tell which word it modifies, and if it is a noun clause tell how they are used.

1. Becky is my daughter whom I have not seen for a year.

2. I will make a playhouse for the kids from whatever material is not used in the house.

3. Then I learned a good lesson, that you should always be kind.

4. If the price is right, we will own the car.

5. Whoever returned my wallet is an honest person.

--For answers scroll down.


1. is - v; Becky - subj; daughter - pn; my - adj modifying daughter; whom I have not seen for a year - adjective clause modifying daughter; have seen - v; I - subj; whom - do (introductory word) to I; not - adv modifying have seen; for a year - adv p ph modifying have seen; for - prep; year - op; a - adj modifying year

2. will make - v; I - subj; playhouse - do; a - adj modifying playhouse; for the kids - adv p ph modifying will make; from whatever material is not used in the house - adv p ph modifying will make; from - prep; whatever material is not used in the house - noun clause used as the object of the preposition; is used - v; material - subj; whatever - adj (introductory word) modifying material; not - adv modifying is used; in the house - adv p ph modifying is used; in - prep; house - op; the - adj modifying house

3. learned - v; I - subj; lesson - do; a, good - adj modifying lesson; then - adv modifying learned; that you should always be kind - noun clause used as an appositive; should be - v; you - subj; kind - pa modifying you; always - adv modifying should be; that - p (introductory word) does not fit grammatically (That is the only introductory word used to introduce noun clauses that will not fit grammatically with the rest of the sentence.)

4. will own - v; we - subj; car - do; the - adj modifying car; if the price is right - adverb clause modifying will own; is - v; price - subj; right - pa modifying price; the - adj modifying price, if - c
(introductory word)

5. is - v; whoever returned my wallet - noun clause used as the subject; returned - v; whoever - subj (introductory word); wallet - do; my - adj modifying wallet; person - pn; an/honest - adj modifying person

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.