Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Lesson 337 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Periods

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Use a period after the abbreviations Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., and St. (Saint) before a name and Jr., Sr., and Esq., after a name. Do not use a period with Miss because it is not an abbreviation.

Instructions: Put periods where needed in the following sentences.

1. Mr Samuel H White spoke at the celebration last night.

2. Mr and Mrs J B Smythe and their son J B Smythe, Jr , will be at the opening ceremonies.

3. Have you been to St Petersburg and St Louis?

4. Dr Leonard J Arrington was a great historian

5. Ms P T Roberts and Mr John J Jones, Esq will speak at tomorrow's meeting.

--For answers scroll down.


1. Mr. Samuel H. White spoke at the celebration last night.

2. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Smythe and their son J. B. Smythe, Jr., will be at the opening ceremonies.

3. Have you been to St. Petersburg and St. Louis?

4. Dr. Leonard J. Arrington was a great historian.

5. Ms. P. T. Roberts and Mr. John J. Jones, Esq. will speak at tomorrow's meeting.

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Lesson 37 - Parts of Speech - Adjectives

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In comparison of adjectives, one-syllable adjectives and some two-syllable adjectives (especially those ending in y or le) form the comparative with er and the superlative with est.

     new, newer, newest
     jolly, jollier, jolliest

Instructions: Write the correct comparative and superlative forms for the following adjectives.

1. glad

2. prompt

3. small

4 noble

5. funny

--For answers scroll down.


1. glad, gladder, gladdest

2. prompt, prompter, promptest

3. small, smaller, smallest

4. noble, nobler, noblest

5. funny, funnier, funniest

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Lesson 336 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Periods

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Use a period after initials used in names. 
E. F. Smith
Helen R. Hunsaker
W. James Swift

Instructions: Put periods where needed in the following sentences.

1. B D Hibler and Gene W Riding started a new company

2. I know K Malone and J Stockton play for the Utah Jazz.

3. Clara B Walters and Ann J Frampton are sisters.

4. C S Lewis is an interesting author to read.

5. I think names with more than two initials like J R R Tolkien are interesting names.

--For answers scroll down.


1. B. D. Hibler and Gene W. Riding started a new company.

2. I know K. Malone and J. Stockton play for the Utah Jazz.

3. Clara B. Walters and Ann J. Frampton are sisters.

4. C. S. Lewis is an interesting author to read.

5. I think names with more than two initials like J. R. R. Tolkien are interesting names.

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Lesson 36 - Parts of Speech - Adjectives

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Adjectives can be used in comparisons which means we change the form of the adjective when speaking of one, two, or more than two. They change either by adding er or est to the adjective or by using the words more or most before the adjective. Some are irregular in their form and must be memorized or looked up in the dictionary. The dictionary gives the forms for most words using er or est to form comparisons. The three degrees of comparison are called (1) positive which states a quality of one thing or person, (2) comparative which compares two things or persons, and (3) superlative which compares more than two things or persons.

     positive - new, careless, good
     comparative - newer, more careless, better
     superlative - newest, most careless, best

Instructions: Write the comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives.

1. jolly

2. honest

3. dim

4. friendly

5. little

--For answers scroll down.


1. jolly, jollier, jolliest

2. honest, more honest, most honest

3. dim, dimmer, dimmest

4. friendly, friendlier, friendliest

5. little, littler, littlest - when referring to size uses
    less, lesser, least - when referring to amount uses

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.