Saturday, March 18, 2023

Quiz for Lessons 131- 135 - Parts of the Sentence - Nouns of Address

View quiz on Daily Grammar

Instructions: Find the verbs, subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, appositive, and nouns of address in these sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive active (ta), transitive passive (tp), intransitive linking (il), or intransitive complete (ic).

1. Dr. Jensen, a brain surgeon, performed the complicated operation.

2. These parts of the sentence, an appositive and a noun of address, are sometimes confused, students.

3. My fellow citizens, our local paper, the Blab, covers the news well.

4. That mongrel, a shaggy-looking creature, is my dog Badger.

5. You should consult Dr. A. J. Hoyt, a skin specialist, sir.

6. You, my dear, will have my promise, a statement of honor.

7. For dinner I had my favorite dessert, strawberry pie.

8. Comrades, we are here in Russia once again.

9, Matthew, have you swum in the Pacific Ocean, Balboa's discovery?

10. Have you met my friend, Amy?

--For answers scroll down.


1. performed = verb (ta), Dr. Jensen = subject, operation = direct object, surgeon = appositive

2. are confused = verb (tp), parts = subject, appositive/ noun = appositives, students = noun of address

3. covers = verb (ta), paper = subject, news = direct object, Blab = appositive, citizens = noun of address

4. is = verb (il), mongrel = subject, dog = predicate nominative, creature/Badger = appositives

5. should consult = verb (ta), you = subject, Dr. A. J. Hoyt = direct object, specialist = appositive, sir = noun of address

6. will have = verb (ta), you = subject, promise = direct object, statement = appositive, dear = noun of address

7. had = verb (ta), I = subject, dessert = direct object, pie = appositive

8. are = verb (ic), we = subject, Comrades = noun of address

9. have swum = verb (ic), you = subject, discovery = appositive, Matthew = noun of address

10. have met = verb (ta), you = subject, friend = direct object, Amy = noun of address (If it were an appositive, it would have no commas.)

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Lesson 135 - Parts of the Sentence - Nouns of Address

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Nouns or nominatives of address are the persons or things to which you are speaking. They are set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas, may have modifiers, and are not related to the rest of the sentence grammatically. You can remove them and a complete sentence remains. They may be first, last or in the middle of the sentence. 
John, where are you going? 
Where are you going, John
Where, John, are you going?

An appositive is a word or group of words that identifies or renames the noun or pronoun that it follows. It is set off by commas unless closely tied to the word that it identifies or renames. ("Closely tied" means that it is needed to identify the word.) 
My son Carl is a medical technician. (no commas) 
Badger, our dog with a missing leg, has a love for cats. (commas needed)

We must be sure to not confuse nouns of address with appositives since they are both set off with commas.

Instructions: Find the verbs, subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, appositive, and nouns of address in these sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive active (ta), transitive passive (tp), intransitive linking (il), or intransitive complete (ic).

1. My car, a Plymouth van, rolled over and over on the highway.

2. Class, please read chapter one, "Verbs."

3. Gentlemen, we must help our young people, the leaders of tomorrow.

4. Sarah, this is my brother Ken.

5. We are planning a trip for next summer, young lady.

--For answers scroll down.


1. rolled = verb (ic), car = subject, van = appositive

2. read = verb (ta), you (understood) = subject, chapter one = direct object, "Verbs" = appositive, class = noun of address

3. must help = verb (ta), we = subject, people = direct object, leaders = appositive, gentlemen = noun of address

4. is = verb (il), this = subject, brother = predicate nominative, Ken = appositive, Sarah = noun of address

5. are planning = verb (ta), we = subject, trip = direct object, lady = noun of address

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Thursday, March 16, 2023

Lesson 134 - Parts of the Sentence - Nouns of Address

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Nouns or nominatives of address are the persons or things to which you are speaking. They are set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas, may have modifiers, and are not related to the rest of the sentence grammatically. You can remove them and a complete sentence remains. They may be first, last or in the middle of the sentence. 
John, where are you going? 
Where are you going, John
Where, John, are you going?

An appositive is a word or group of words that identifies or renames the noun or pronoun that it follows. It is set off by commas unless closely tied to the word that it identifies or renames. ("Closely tied" means that it is needed to identify the word.) 
My son Carl is a medical technician. (no commas) 
Badger, our dog with a missing leg, has a love for cats. (commas needed)

We must be sure to not confuse nouns of address with appositives since they are both set off with commas.

Instructions: Find the verbs, subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, appositive, and nouns of address in these sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive active (ta), transitive passive (tp), intransitive linking (il), or intransitive complete (ic).

1. Sam, where is that car, the Volvo?

2. Joe, that woman, Miss Clayson, is a famous newscaster.

3. Mr. Smith, our sponsor, is upset with our advertising, Helen.

4. Kids, I want you to meet our new neighbor, Ann Wise.

5. Everyone, we will watch the television program, "Memories."

--For answers scroll down.


1. is = verb (ic), car = subject, Volvo = appositive, Sam = noun of address

2. is = verb (il), woman = subject, newscaster = predicate nominative, Miss Clayson = appositive, Joe = noun of address

3. is upset = verb (tp), Mr. Smith = subject, sponsor = appositive, Helen = noun of address

4. want = verb (ta), I = subject, you = direct object, Ann Wise = appositive, Kids = noun of address

5. will watch = verb (ta), we = subject, program = direct object, Everyone = noun of address, "Memories" = appositive

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Lesson 133 - Parts of the Sentence - Nouns of Address

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Nouns or nominatives of address are the persons or things to which you are speaking. They are set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas, may have modifiers, and are not related to the rest of the sentence grammatically. You can remove them and a complete sentence remains. They may be first, last or in the middle of the sentence. 
John, where are you going? 
Where are you going, John
Where, John, are you going?

Instructions: Find the verbs, subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, and nouns of address in these sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive active (ta), transitive passive (tp), intransitive linking (il), or intransitive complete (ic).

1. General, your men are loyal soldiers and brave fighters.

2. There is no need for alarm, students.

3. Will he give the instructions again, Miss Jones?

4. Men and women, we must meet our goals to be successful.

5. Becky, the guests have already arrived.

--For answers scroll down.


1. are = verb (il), men = subject, soldiers/fighters = predicate nominatives, general = noun of address

2. is = verb (ic), need = subject, students = noun of address

3. will give = verb (ta), he = subject, instructions = direct object, Miss Jones = noun of address

4. must meet = verb (ta), we = subject, goals = direct object, Men/women = nouns of address

5. have arrived = verb (ic), guests = subject, Becky = noun of address

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Lesson 132 - Parts of the Sentence - Nouns of Address

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Nouns or nominatives of address are the persons or things to which you are speaking. They are set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas, may have modifiers, and are not related to the rest of the sentence grammatically. You can remove them and a complete sentence remains. They may be first, last or in the middle of the sentence. 
John, where are you going? 
Where are you going, John
Where, John, are you going?

Instructions: Find the verbs, subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, and nouns of address in these sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive active (ta), transitive passive (tp), intransitive linking (il), or intransitive complete (ic).

1. Here, Mary, is a glass of water.

2. My fellowmen, there is no need for worry.

3. What happened to my car, Dad?

4. You, my friends, are so kind!

5. We have no more candy, Jeanne.

--For answers scroll down.


1. is = verb (ic), glass = subject, Mary = noun of address

2. is = verb (ic), need = subject, fellowmen = noun of address

3. happened = verb (ic), what = subject, Dad = noun of address

4. are = verb (il), you = subject, friends = noun of address

5. have = verb (ta), we = subject, candy = direct object, Jeanne = noun of address

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Lesson 131 - Parts of the Sentence - Nouns of Address

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Nouns or nominatives of address are the persons or things to which you are speaking. They are set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas, may have modifiers, and are not related to the rest of the sentence grammatically. You can remove them and a complete sentence remains. They may be first, last or in the middle of the sentence. 
John, where are you going? 
Where are you going, John
Where, John, are you going?

Because I use diagramming to teach in the classroom and can't on the internet, I will be asking you to find various parts of the sentence for the repetition. The repetition should help you remember the parts of the sentence.

Instructions: Find the verbs, subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, and nouns of address in these sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive active (ta), transitive passive (tp), intransitive linking (il), or intransitive complete (ic).

1. Sir, may I speak with you for a moment?

2. Jeff, are you leaving tomorrow?

3. Listen carefully to the instructions, boys and girls.

4. Fred, Anna needs your assistance for the afternoon.

5. Please, Mr. President, accept our apologies.

--For answers scroll down.


1. may speak = verb (ic), I = subject, sir = noun of address

2. are leaving = verb (ic), you = subject, Jeff = noun of address

3. listen = verb (ic), you (understood) = subject, boys and girls = nouns of address

4. needs = verb (ta), Anna = subject, assistance = direct object, Fred = noun of address

5. accept = verb (ta), you (understood) = subject, apologies = direct object, Mr. President = noun of address

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.