Instructions: Find the verbs, subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, appositive, and nouns of address in these sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive active (ta), transitive passive (tp), intransitive linking (il), or intransitive complete (ic).
1. Dr. Jensen, a brain surgeon, performed the complicated operation.
2. These parts of the sentence, an appositive and a noun of address, are
sometimes confused, students.
3. My fellow citizens, our local paper, the Blab, covers the news
4. That mongrel, a shaggy-looking creature, is my dog Badger.
5. You should consult Dr. A. J. Hoyt, a skin specialist, sir.
6. You, my dear, will have my promise, a statement of honor.
7. For dinner I had my favorite dessert, strawberry pie.
8. Comrades, we are here in Russia once again.
9, Matthew, have you swum in the Pacific Ocean, Balboa's discovery?
10. Have you met my friend, Amy?
--For answers scroll
1. performed = verb (ta), Dr. Jensen = subject, operation = direct object,
surgeon = appositive
2. are confused = verb (tp), parts = subject, appositive/ noun = appositives,
students = noun of address
3. covers = verb (ta), paper = subject, news = direct object, Blab =
appositive, citizens = noun of address
4. is = verb (il), mongrel = subject, dog = predicate nominative,
creature/Badger = appositives
5. should consult = verb (ta), you = subject, Dr. A. J. Hoyt = direct object,
specialist = appositive, sir = noun of address
6. will have = verb (ta), you = subject, promise = direct object, statement =
appositive, dear = noun of address
7. had = verb (ta), I = subject, dessert = direct object, pie = appositive
8. are = verb (ic), we = subject, Comrades = noun of address
9. have swum = verb (ic), you = subject, discovery = appositive, Matthew =
noun of address
10. have met = verb (ta), you = subject, friend = direct object, Amy = noun
of address (If it were an appositive, it would have no commas.)