Thursday, January 30, 2025

Lesson 399 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Italics/Underlining

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Italicize titles of books; of long plays and long poems; of periodicals, newspapers, and magazines.
Material that is italicized in print or by computer is underlined in typewritten or hand written work.

Instructions: Italicize those words which need italics in these sentences.

1. At the doctor's office I read from two magazines, Time and Newsweek.

2. I take two daily newspapers, the Daily Herald and the Deseret News.

3. I love Dickens's story of the French Revolution A Tale of Two Cities.

4. When in San Francisco, I saw the famous play Les Miserables.

5. Have you read the long poem The Idylls of the King?

--For answers scroll down.


1. At the doctor's office I read from two magazines, Time and Newsweek.

2. I take two daily newspapers, the Daily Herald and the Deseret News.

3. I love Dickens's story of the French Revolution A Tale of Two Cities.

4. When in San Francisco, I saw the famous play Les Miserables.

5. Have you read the long poem The Idylls of the King?

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