Instructions: Using all the knowledge learned in the previous lessons, find the verbs (v), subjects (subj), predicate nominatives (pn), direct objects (do), appositives (app), nouns of address (na), adjectives (adj), predicate
adjectives (pa), adverbs (adv), prepositions (prep), objects of the
preposition (op), prepositional phrases (p ph), indirect objects (io), objective
complements (oc), conjunctions (c), relative pronouns (p), and verbals in the following sentences.
If the word is a verbal, tell whether it is a gerund, participle,
noun infinitive, adjective infinitive, or adverb infinitive. If there are any adjectives, adverbs, prepositional phrases, verbals, or verbal phrases then tell what word they modify.
If the sentence has a dependent clause, tell whether it is a noun clause, adverb clause, or adjective clause. If it is an adjective or adverb clause, tell which word it modifies, and if it is a noun clause tell how they are used.
1. Rulon steered the jeep down the muddy road to the camp site, and then he
discovered that it was the wrong road.
2. When Carl came up to bat, the bases were loaded, and there were two outs.
3. I've just learned that our vacation plans must be changed; as a result,
we'll leave later in the month.
4. Older television sets had tubes; the newest models, which take less space,
are digital televisions.
5. My uncle Al drove a snow-removal truck, and when there was a big snow
storm, he was called to work at any time.
6. If you are an election judge, you distribute the ballots, and you count
them after the polls close.
7. Many monuments are found around the White House, and foreign leaders who
come to Washington often visit them.
8. The doctor told us how we could revive a heart-attack victim, and she
demonstrated on a dummy, me.
9. Jeff tried the new dance steps that had been demonstrated, and he mastered
them quickly.
10. The bola is a rope which is used to catch animals; it has weights on the
end of it.
--For answers scroll
1. steered - v; Rulon - subj; jeep - do; the - adj modifying jeep; down the muddy road - adv p ph modifying steered; down - prep; road - op; the/muddy - adj modifying road; to the camp site - adj p ph modifying road (possibly an adverb modifying steered); to - prep; site - op; the/camp - adj modifying site; and - c; discovered - v; he - subj; then - adv modifying discovered; that it was the wrong road - noun clause used as the direct object; was - v; it - subj; road - pn; the/wrong - adj modifying road; that - p (introductory word, does not fit grammatically)
2. when Carl came up to bat - adverb clause modifying were; came - verb; Carl - subj; up - adv modifying came; to bat - vbl (adverb infinitive) modifying came; when - c (introductory word); were - v; bases - subj; loaded - pa modifying bases; the - adj modifying bases; and - c; were - v; outs - subj; two - adj modifying outs; there - introductory there
3. 've learned - v; I - subj; that our vacation plans must be changed - noun clause used as the direct object; must be changed - v; plans - subj; our/vacation - adj modifying plans; that - p (introductory word, does not fit grammatically); 'll leave - v; we - subj; later - adv modifying 'll leave; in the month - adv p ph modifying later; in - prep; month - op; the - adj modifying month
4. had - v; sets - subj; tubes - do; older/television - adj modifying sets; are - v; models - subj; televisions - pn; newest - adj modifying models; digital - adj modifying televisions; which take less space - adjective clause modifying models; take - v; which - subj; space - do; less - adj modifying space
5. drove - v; Uncle Al - subj; truck - do; my - adj modifying Uncle Al; a/snow-removal - adj modifying truck; and - c; when there was a big snow storm - adverb clause modifying was called; was - v; storm - subj; a/big/snow - adj modifying storm; there - introductory there; when - c (introductory word); was called - v; he - subj; to work - adv p ph modifying was called; to - prep; work - op; at any time - adv p ph modifying was called; at - prep; time - op; any - adj modifying time
6. if you are an election judge - adverb clause modifying distribute; are - v; you - subj; judge - pn; an/election - adj modifying judge; if - c (introductory word); distribute - v; you - subj; ballots - do; the - adj modifying ballots; and - c; count - v; you - subj; them - do; after the polls close - adverb clause modifying count; close - v; polls - subj; the - adj modifying polls; after - c (introductory word)
7. are found - v; monuments - subj; many - adj modifying monuments; around the White House - adv p ph modifying are found; around - prep; White House - op; the - adj modifying White House; and - c; visit - v; leaders - subj; them - do; foreign - adj modifying leaders; often - adv modifying visit; who come to Washington - adjective clause modifying leaders; come - v; who - subj; to Washington - adv p ph modifying come; to - prep; Washington - op
8. told - v; doctor - subj; us - io; the - adj modifying doctor; how we could revive a heart-attack victim - noun clause used as the direct object, could revive - v; we - subj; victim - do; a/heart-attack - adj modifying victim; how - adv modifying could revive; and - c; demonstrated - v; she - subj; on a dummy - adv prep ph modifying demonstrated; on - prep, dummy - op; a - adj modifying dummy; me - app
9. tried - v; Jeff - subj; steps - do; the/new/dance - adj modifying steps; that had been demonstrated - adjective clause modifying steps; had been demonstrated - v; that - subj; and - c; mastered - v; he - subj; them - do; quickly - adv modifying mastered
10. is - v; bola - subj; rope - pn; the - adj modifying bola; a - adj modifying rope; which is used to catch animals - adjective clause modifying rope; is used - v; which - subj; to catch animals - adverb infinitive modifying is used; to catch - vbl (infinitive); animals - do; has - v; it - subj; weights - do; on the end - adv p ph modifying has; on - prep; end - op; the - adj modifying end; of it - adj p ph modifying end; of - prep; it - op