Monday, September 18, 2023

Lesson 206 - Parts of the Sentence - Verbals

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A verbal is a verb form used as some other part of speech. There are three kinds of verbals: gerunds, participles, and infinitives.

A gerund always ends in ing and is used as a noun
Eating is fun.

A participle is used as an adjective and ends various ways. A present participle always ends with ing as does the gerund, but remember that it is an adjective. A past participle ends with ed, n, or irregularly.  
played, broken, brought, sung, seeing, having seen, being seen, seen, having been seen

An infinitive is to plus a verb form. It can be a noun, an adjective, or an adverb
to be, to see, to be seen, to be eaten

Instructions: Find the verbals in the following sentences.

1. I can't understand Will's failing in college.

2. Many trees stood bordering the south entrance to the house.

3. I will have to consult your parents.

4. His searching glance terrified the hostages.

5. You should buy a tie to match your suit.

--For answers scroll down.


1. I can't understand Will's failing in college.

2. Many trees stood bordering the south entrance to the house.

3. I will have to consult your parents.

4. His searching glance terrified the hostages.

5. You should buy a tie to match your suit.

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