Saturday, February 22, 2025

Quiz for Lessons 111-115 - Parts of the Sentence - Review

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Instructions: Find the subjects, verbs, predicate nominatives, direct objects, interjections, and introductory there in these sentences.

1. Both the lady and the gentleman had proper manners and good etiquette.

2. My wife dusted the furniture and cleaned the floors.

3. There is no reason for this mess.

4. Where is the white tablecloth for the table?

5. Well, there are no more candles for sale.

6. The actress was still a very beautiful and lovely person.

7. My mother wanted both flour and sugar from the neighbor.

8. The student knew the answer and was sure of it.

9. The snow storm raged during the night and all day.

10. Jim caught and cleaned both fish quickly.

--For answers scroll down.


1. lady, gentleman = subjects / had = verb / manners, etiquette = direct objects

2. wife = subject / dusted = verb / furniture = direct object // cleaned = verb / floors = direct object

3. There = introductory there / reason = subject / is = verb

4. tablecloth = subject / is = verb

5. well = interjection / there = introductory there / candles = subject / are = verb

6. actress = subject / was = verb / person = predicate nominative

7. mother = subject / wanted = verb / flour, sugar = direct objects

8. student = subject / knew = verb / answer = direct object // was = verb

9. storm = subject / raged = verb

10. Jim = subject / caught, cleaned = verbs / fish = direct object

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