Saturday, March 15, 2025

Quiz for Lessons 126 -130 - Parts of the Sentence - Appositives

View lesson on Daily Grammar

Instructions: Identify the appositives in the following sentences and tell whether they are appositives to subjects, direct objects, or predicate nominatives.

1. Rome, the capital of Italy, is a very large city.

2. Have you ever visited Lagoon, our biggest amusement park?

3. The woman with the hat, the viola player, is my sister-in-law.

4. Those women are Elaine and Marilyn, my two sisters.

5. Mr. Gayle, our sponsor, will show you around.

Instructions: Combine the following sentences by using an appositive.

6. Mrs. Karren is greeting the guests. They are possible buyers.

7. Have you met our new foreman? He is the tall man in the coveralls.

8. Watch out for Main Street. It is a very slick road.

9. The Lewises provided the entertainment. They showed home movies.

10. The cargo was very precious. It was gold and silver.

--For answers scroll down.


1. capital = appositive to the subject, Rome

2. amusement park = appositive to direct object, Lagoon

3. player = appositive to subject, woman

4. sisters = appositive to predicate nominatives. Elaine/Marilyn

5. sponsor = appositive to subject, Mr. Gayle

6. Mrs. Karren is greeting the guests, possible buyers.

7. Have you met our new foreman, the tall man in the coveralls.

8. Watch out for Main Street, a very slick road.

9. The Lewises provided the entertainment, home movies.

10. The cargo, gold and silver, was very precious.

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