Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Lesson 132 - Parts of the Sentence - Nouns of Address

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Nouns or nominatives of address are the persons or things to which you are speaking. They are set off from the rest of the sentence by a comma or commas, may have modifiers, and are not related to the rest of the sentence grammatically. You can remove them and a complete sentence remains. They may be first, last or in the middle of the sentence. 
John, where are you going? 
Where are you going, John
Where, John, are you going?

Instructions: Find the verbs, subjects, predicate nominatives, direct objects, and nouns of address in these sentences and tell whether the verb is transitive active (ta), transitive passive (tp), intransitive linking (il), or intransitive complete (ic).

1. Here, Mary, is a glass of water.

2. My fellowmen, there is no need for worry.

3. What happened to my car, Dad?

4. You, my friends, are so kind!

5. We have no more candy, Jeanne.

--For answers scroll down.


1. is = verb (ic), glass = subject, Mary = noun of address

2. is = verb (ic), need = subject, fellowmen = noun of address

3. happened = verb (ic), what = subject, Dad = noun of address

4. are = verb (il), you = subject, friends = noun of address

5. have = verb (ta), we = subject, candy = direct object, Jeanne = noun of address

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