Friday, February 14, 2025

Lesson 410 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Apostrophes

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As a rule, use the "of" phrase to show possession by (or connection with) inanimate objects. 
the edge of the grass [not the lawn's edge]

Instructions: Choose the correct form for each of the following sentences. In some circumstances, either answer is correct.

1. Will you get me the (horse's bridle, bridle of the horse).

2. The (jar's top, top of the jar) was broken.

3. We found the wrecked car at the (road's end, end of the road).

4. (My uncle's friend, The friend of my uncle's) will be here tomorrow.

5. All the (car's tires, tires of the car) were flat.

--For answers scroll down.


1. Will you get me the horse's bridle. 
       - or -  (both correct)
    Will you get me the bridle of the horse?

2. The top of the jar was broken.

3. We found the wrecked car at the end of the road.

4. My uncle's friend will be here tomorrow.
       - or -  (both correct)
    The friend of my uncle's will be here tomorrow.

5. All the tires of the car were flat.

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