Thursday, February 13, 2025

Lesson 409 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Apostrophes

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Use the apostrophe with expressions of time, space, and amount. 
He bought a dollar's worth of ice cream.

Instructions: Supply the apostrophes to make the possessives in the following sentences.

1. You are to be here in two hours time.

2. Can you spare a moments time to help me?

3. That store sells a quarters worth of candy for a dime.

4. The child had three pennies worth of candy in his sack.

5. To finish this job will take four days work.

--For answers scroll down.


1. You are to be here in two hours' time.

2. Can you spare a moment's time to help me?

3. That store sells a quarter's worth of candy for a dime.

4. The child had three pennies' worth of candy in his sack.

5. To finish this job will take four days' work.

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