Monday, June 3, 2024

Lesson 356 - Mechanics -Punctuation - Commas

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Use a comma after an introductory participial phrase
Feeling hot, the boy ran to the refrigerator for a drink.

Instructions: Place commas where they are needed.

1. Needing help immediately I dialed 911.

2. Having seen the final act I started to cry.

3. Thinking back on her life the woman was very thankful.

4. Having done his very best the boy stood tall and happy.

5. Desiring to be accepted Larry did some unusual things.

--For answers scroll down.


1. Needing help immediately, I dialed 911.

2. Having seen the final act, I started to cry.

3. Thinking back on her life, the woman was very thankful.

4. Having done his very best, the boy stood tall and happy.

5. Desiring to be accepted, Larry did some unusual things.

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