Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Lesson 303 - Mechanics - Capitalization

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Capitalize words such as Mother, Father, Grandmother, Grandfather, Son, Daughter, and Sis when they are used in place of the person's name. Do not capitalize them when they follow possessive pronouns such as my, your, his, her, our, or your.

I will ask Father. 
I will ask my father.

Instructions: Capitalize each word that needs a capital letter.

1. my father will return next week.

2. Oh, mom, you don't understand me.

3. Tomorrow grandmother leaves for Florida.

4. Did sis want to go with us?

5. Today mother and i will finish the painting.

--For answers scroll down.


1. My father will return next week.

2. Oh, Mom, you don't understand me.

3. Tomorrow Grandmother leaves for Florida.

4. Did Sis want to go with us?

5. Today Mother and I will finish the painting.

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