Monday, February 3, 2025

Lesson 101 - Parts of the Sentence - Predicate Nominative

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A predicate nominative or predicate noun completes a linking verb and renames the subject.  It is a complement or completer because it completes the verb.  The verb in a sentence having a predicate nominative can always be replaced by the word equals.

     Mr. Johanson is a teacher.
     Mr. Johanson equals a teacher.
     Mr. Johanson is a father.
     Mr. Johanson equals a father.
     Mr. Johanson is my neighbor.
     Mr. Johanson equals my neighbor.

Predicate nominatives complete only linking verbs. The linking verbs include the following: the helping verbs is, am, are, was, were, be, being, and been; the sense verbs look, taste, smell, feel, and sound; and verbs like become, seem, appear, grow, continue, stay, and turn. 

Instructions: Find the verb, subject, and predicate nominatives in these sentences.

1. Ann is a new mother.

2. The black dog in the yard was a large Doberman.

3. The tall boy has been our best basketball player.

4. My uncle became a rich computer expert.

5. Mr. Bush may be our next President.

--For answers scroll down.


1. Ann is a new mother.

2. The black dog in the yard was a large Doberman.

3. The tall boy has been our best basketball player.

4. My uncle became a rich computer expert.

5. Mr. Bush may be our next President.

For your convenience, all of our lessons are available on our website in our lesson archive. Our lessons are also available to purchase in an eBook and a workbook format.

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