Friday, December 15, 2023

Lesson 260 - Parts of the Sentence - Adjective Clauses

View lesson on Daily Grammar
In using an adjective clause, you should always place it as near to the word it modifies as possible. If you misplace the adjective clause, it makes a ridiculous sentence or one that is unclear. 
I waved to my dog from the car that had just licked my face. = incorrect
(The car did not lick my face; the dog did.) 
I waved to my dog that had just licked my face from the car. = correct

Instructions: Rewrite the following sentences placing the adjective clause in the correct place.

1. The tall man was stopped by a police officer who had been acting suspiciously.

2. We found the key under the couch that had been lost.

3. She took the letter to the post office which she had written earlier.

4. The rosebush is next to a weedy lot that is very beautiful.

5. The tanker sailed into the harbor which was carrying a load of oil.

--For answers scroll down.


1. The tall man, who had been acting suspiciously, was stopped by a police officer.

2. We found the key that had been lost under the couch.

3. She took the letter, which she had written earlier, to the post office.

4. The rosebush that is very beautiful is next to a weedy lot.

5. The tanker, which was carrying a load of oil, sailed into the harbor.

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