Use a hyphen in compounds in which mispronunciation might otherwise result.
Instructions: Supply hyphens where they are needed in these sentences.
1. It was hard to find an antiimperialist among the rulers of ancient Rome.
2. I believe that man had a preexistence before this life.
3. Can you deenergize that bomb in time?
4. If you take that medicine, it could cause the body to be antiimmune.
5. The concerned group was starting an antiimmoral movement.
--For answers scroll
1. It was hard to find an anti-imperialist among the rulers of ancient Rome.
2. I believe that man had a pre-existence before this life.
3. Can you de-energize that bomb in time?
4. If you take that medicine, it could cause the body to be anti-immune.
5. The concerned group was starting an anti-immoral movement.