Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Lesson 378 - Mechanics - Punctuation - Quotation Marks

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Use quotation marks to set off words or phrases used in a special sense: technical, ironical, coined, slang, and words used as words in informal writing. 
Grant always uses the word "terrific." 
The car driving slowly down the street went "ka-lunk! ka-lunk!"

Instructions: Use quotation marks where needed in these sentences.

1. Show us how you are the expert.

2. The delegates ended their peace talks with much angry shouting.

3. I know we can make that jalopy into a great hot rod.

4. The boss is going to can us all if we don't get on the ball.

5. Why do you always say the word excellent to every statement?

--For answers scroll down.


1. Show us how you are the "expert."

2. The delegates ended their "peace talks" with much angry shouting.

3. I know we can make that "jalopy" into a great "hot rod."

4. The boss is going to "can" us all if we don't "get on the ball."

5. Why do you always say the word "excellent" to every statement?

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