Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Lesson 322 - Mechanics - Capitalization

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Capitalize the first word of every direct quotation. 
He asked, "Can this wait until tomorrow?"

Instructions: Capitalize each word that needs a capital letter.

1. "meet me at the station in the morning," Alice said.

2. "yes," said Rob, "it was charles dickens who wrote david copperfield."

3. She said that she would help with the party if asked.

4. The clerk said, "you cannot use a personal check for the ride."

5. "i used to live here in 1960," said the man. "it has changed a lot since that time."

--For answers scroll down.


1. "Meet me at the station in the morning," Alice said.

2. "Yes," said Rob, "it was Charles Dickens who wrote David Copperfield."

3. She said that she would help with the party if asked. (no capitals because it is an indirect quotation)

4. The clerk said, "You cannot use a personal check for the ride."

5. "I used to live here in 1960," said the man. "It has changed a lot since that time."

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